Friday, March 13, 2009

Math Syllabus: Week of March 16

1st Period Pre-Algebra
Important Information:
• Students will take a Chapter 10 Test on Tuesday, March 17. I already had the lunchtime review session on Thursday, March 12. Be sure to study each night for the test.

Monday, March 16
Chapter 10 Practice Test: Book page 569
Continue working on Two-Sided Notes

Homework: Finish your two-sided notes and study for Chapter 10 Test.

Tuesday, March 17 (Happy St. Patrick’s Day!)
Chapter 10 Test

Homework: None

Wednesday, March 18

Homework: None

Thursday, March 19
Adding and Subtracting Integers (6.2 and 6.3)

Homework: Workbook page 69 # 3-14 and page 71 # 4-12 and 16-18

Friday, March 20
Multiplying and Dividing Integers (6.4 and 6.5)

Homework: Study for your Chapter 10 test on Tuesday.

2nd/3rd Period Math Syllabus
Important Information:
• Students will take a test over Chapter 10 on Friday, March 27. If you are not going to be in school that day please make arrangements to take it early.

Monday, March 16
Lesson 10.3 Study Guide

Homework: Workbook pages 135-136

Tuesday, March 17 (Happy St. Patrick’s Day!)
Lesson 10.4

Homework: Workbook page 137 # 1-8

Wednesday, March 18
Lesson 10.4 continued

Homework: Quiz for Lessons 10.1 – 10.4 #s 1-8 (Book page 537)

Thursday, March 19
Lesson 10.5

Homework: Workbook pages 139-140

Friday, March 20
Construction of Solid Figures

Homework: Finish Solid Figures, if necessary. Have a super weekend!

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