Friday, February 20, 2009

Reading/LA Syllabus: Week of February 23

Important Information:
• Narrative essays are due Thursday February 26. They must be typed final draft is due on Thursday February 26. Please make sure to have a parent, family member, or sibling read over your paper before you turn it in. You need to attach your pre-writing sheet.
• The Author Study Timeline due date has been changed to Tuesday, March 3rd.
• Author Study upcoming due dates:
o Finish reading second novel by Monday, March 9
o Plot-Line summary and differentiation essays are due Tuesday, March 10th.
o Time-line presentations begin Tuesday, March 10th.
• Please send permission slip and money for our end of year cruise by April 17th.
• Don’t forget ISAT Testing next week, Tuesday-Friday, March 3–6th. Please encourage your child to get a good night’s rest. Students may bring a bottle of water and a healthy snack.
• Monday, March 2nd is no school due to Pulaski Day. Students will not receive a syllabus next week, due to testing.

Monday, February 23
Writing Workshop - Elaboration
Discuss Sample Narrative Essay Models
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Work on Narrative Essay- due Thursday

Tuesday, February 24
Media Center Computers 8th Period: Type Narrative Essay or Work on Biography Time-line
ISAT Test Practice – Writing Reading Extended Response

Homework: Work on Narrative Essay- due Thursday. Even though I am not checking your first draft you still need to complete at least two drafts of the essay. Please have a family member help you edit.

Wednesday, February 25
ISAT Test Practice- Review and Evaluate Reading Extended Response
Media Center Computers 9th Period: Type Narrative Essay or Work on Biography Time-line

Homework: Work on Narrative Essay- due TOMORROW! You need to attach your pre-write to your final narrative essay.

Thursday, February 26
ISAT Test Practice – Literary Devices for Reading and Poetry
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Work on Time-Line, due Tuesday, March 3rd

Friday, February 27
ISAT Test Practice – Vocabulary and Author’s Purpose
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Finish Time-Line, due Tuesday, March 3. Come to school on Tuesday ready for the ISATs!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Math Syllabus: Week of February 23

1st Period: Pre-Algebra
Monday, February 23
Lessons 10.1-10.2

Homework: Workbook pages 128 and 130

Tuesday, February 24
Lessons 10.3 and 10.4

Homework: Workbook pages 131 and 133

Wednesday, February 25
Lesson 10.5

Homework: None

Thursday, February 26
ISAT Practice Test

Homework: Word Problem: Ski Run

Friday, February 27
Review ISAT Practice Test

Homework: Have a super three-day weekend!!! Remember that ISAT testing begins on Tuesday. Be sure to get a GOOD night sleep and eat a nutritious breakfast that morning. You can bring in a healthy snack and water bottle each day next week!

2nd/3rd Period Math

Important Information:
• Students will have a quick quiz over lessons 9.4 to 9.8 on Friday, February 27. Remember to study each night!!!

Monday, February 23
Review Practice ISAT Test

Homework: None

Tuesday, February 24
Lesson 9.6

Homework: Workbook page 125 (all) and page 126 #15-16

Wednesday, February 25
Lesson 9.7

Homework: Workbook pages 127-128

Thursday, February 26
Lesson 9.8

Homework: Workbook pages 129-130. STUDY!!! STUDY!!! STUDY!!!

Friday, February 27
Quiz: Lessons 9.4-9.9

Homework: Have a super three-day weekend!!! Remember that ISAT testing begins on Tuesday. Be sure to get a GOOD night sleep and eat a nutritious breakfast that morning. You can bring in a healthy snack and water bottle each day next week!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Reading/LA Syllabus: Week of February 16

Important Information:
• Author Study upcoming due dates: finish reading first novel by Wednesday, February 18 and finish first plotline summary by Friday, February 20.
• The Author Study Timeline is due February 27. Students will get more information on the timeline requirements this week.
• We are introducing the Narrative Essay writing assignment on Thursday February 19, the typed final draft is due on Thursday February 26. Please make sure to have a parent, family member, or sibling read over your paper before you turn it in.

Monday, February 16
No School President’s Day

Homework: Work on Reading your first Author Study novel and your plotline summary.

Tuesday, February 17
Diagramming Sentences Worksheets: Basic Sentence Parts, Articles and Verb Phrases, and Simple Sentences pages 4-7
Dictionary Scavenger Hunt
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Finish your first author study book by tomorrow and work on your plotline summary

Wednesday, February 18
Diagramming Sentences Worksheets: Adjectives and Adverbs pages 8-11
Elements of a Narrative essay
Introduce Author Study Timeline

Homework: Work on author study project, reading and gathering information about your author for the timeline

Thursday, February 19
Introduce Narrative Writing prompts
Diagramming Sentences Worksheets: Review Sentence Basics pages 12 and 13
COWS: Research Author for Timeline

Homework: Work on author study project reading and Timeline. Work on Narrative Essay due on Thursday February 26.

Friday, February 20
Diagramming Sentences: Compound Subjects and Predicates exercise 1 and 2 pages 14-17
Literary Devices
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Have a nice weekend. Work on Reading your second Author Study novel and your Narrative essay rough draft.

Math Syllabus: Week of February 16

1st Period Pre-Algebra
Important Information:
• The test over all of Chapter 9 concepts will be on Friday, February 20. Be sure to study every night and see me if you are in need of extra help!

Monday, February 16
No School: Presidents Day

Homework: None

Tuesday, February 17
Textbook pages 496-500 (#s 9-52 even numbers)

Homework: Finish Textbook pages 496-500 (#s 9-52 even numbers)

Wednesday, February 18
Review Session @ Lunch TODAY
Finish Lesson 9.8
Review Lessons 9.1-9.7

Homework: Workbook page 124-125

Thursday, February 19
Review Session @ Lunch TODAY
Review Chapter 9

Homework: STUDY! STUDY! STUDY! Workbook page 126.

Friday, February 20
Chapter 9 Test

Homework: Have a nice weekend.

2nd/3rd Period Math
Important Information:
• Students will have a quick quiz over lessons 9.4 to 9.8 on Friday, February 27. Remember to study each night!!!

Monday, February 16
No School: Presidents Day

Homework: None

Tuesday, February 17
Investigation: Lesson 9.4 page 470
Begin Lesson 9.4 Notes

Homework: None

Wednesday, February 18
Finish Lesson 9.4

Homework: Workbook pages 121-122

Thursday, February 19
Lesson 9.5

Homework: Workbook pages 123-124

Friday, February 20
Practice ISAT Test

Homework: Have a super weekend!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Math Syllabus: Week of February 9

1st Period: Pre-Algebra
Important Information:
• This week we are beginning Chapter 9. The test over all of Chapter 9 concepts will be on Friday, February 20.

Monday, February 9
Finish Lesson 9.5

Homework: Workbook pages 119-120

Tuesday, February 10
Lesson 9.6

Homework: Workbook page 121 Odd #s and page 122 #s 18-22

Wednesday, February 11
Lesson 9.7

Homework: Workbook page 123

Thursday, February 12 (CONFERENCE DAY!) Noon Dismissal
Lesson 9.8

Homework: Remember to wear your PJ’s tomorrow and bring good books to read!

Friday, February 13 (PJ DAY!!!) Noon Dismissal
Read-A-Thon and Pajama Day

Homework: Have a nice weekend.

2nd/3rd Period Math
Important Information:
• Students will have a quick quiz over lessons 9.1 to 9.3 on Thursday, February 12. Remember to study each night!!!

Monday, February 9
Lesson 9.1

Homework: Workbook pages 115-116

Tuesday, February 10
Lesson 9.2

Homework: Workbook page 117 #s 1-3 and 10-13

Wednesday, February 11
Lesson 9.3

Homework: Workbook pages 119 all #s and page 120 #s 21-24. Study for Quiz on Lessons 9.1 to 9.3.

Thursday, February 12 (CONFERENCE DAY!) Noon Dismissal
Quiz Lessons 9.1-9.3

Homework: Remember to wear your PJ’s tomorrow and bring good books to read!

Friday, February 13 (PJ DAY!!!) Noon Dismissal
Read-A-Thon and Pajama Day

Homework: Have a nice weekend.

Rdg/LA Syllabus: Week of February 9

Important Information:
• Remember that Springs Conferences are on Thursday, February 12. Conference confirmation times were sent home on Friday, January 23. If you need to change your time please contact me ASAP.
• Reading logs are due on Wednesday, February 11.
• The final typed draft of the persuasive essay will be due on Tuesday, February 10.
• Author Study upcoming due dates: finish reading first novel by Wednesday, February 18 and finish first plotline summary by Friday, February 20.

Monday, February 9
Media Center Computers: Interactive ISAT Practice Tests

Homework: Finish final draft of the persuasive essay- due tomorrow. Remember you must turn in the first draft and the peer-editing sheet with your essay.

Tuesday, February 10
Turn in Final Persuasive Essay
Complete Subjects and Predicates: L/Network pages 6-7
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Finish reading log- due tomorrow! Remember you must have parent signatures. Read novel for author study.

Wednesday, February 11
Introduce Author Study Plot Line Summary
Simple Subjects: L/Network pages 8-9 Part A
Simple Predicates, or Verbs: L/Network pages 10-11 Part A
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Work on author study project reading and plotline summary.

Thursday, February 12 (CONFERENCE DAY!) Noon Dismissal
No Reading/LA Today

Homework: Work on author study project reading and plotline summary. Be sure to have your books and pj’s for tomorrow. You may also bring in a snack and one comfort item if you wish.

Friday, February 13 (PJ DAY!!!) Noon Dismissal
Read-A-Thon and Pajama Day

Homework: Have a nice weekend. Work on Reading your first Author Study novel and your plotline summary.