Friday, April 17, 2009

Rdg and Language Arts Syllabus: Week of April 20

Important Information:
• Students should be making good progress gathering information for their research project. For the next two weeks students will have limited time in the media center to use the computers and reference books to gather research material. Students should plan to research on their own at the public library or here at school. Our library is open before school everyday except Wednesdays. It is open everyday after school from 3:30 - 4:30, as well.
• Minimum of 25 note cards completed and formatted correctly are due on Tuesday 4/21.
• Typed rough draft of the research paper outline is due Thursday 4/23- this needs to be typed using Power Notes Format.
• Remember our team does not accept late work during the 3rd trimester.
• Research paper rough draft is Due Wednesday 4/29
• Final Research paper is due on Tuesday 5/12
• Oral and Visual Presentation materials are due on Thursday 5/14

Monday, April 20
Media Center Computers 8th Period: Work on outline rough draft
Media Center Back Tables 9th Period: Research Time

Homework: Finish at least 25 note cards formatted correctly- due tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 21
Media Center Font Tables 8th Period: Research Organization
Benchmark Testing

Homework: Work on typed Rough Draft Outline- I recommend typing it in school using the program Inspiration. The outline needs to be completed using the Power Notes format and it is easiest to type with Inspiration.

Wednesday, April 22
Media Center Computers 8th period: Type Research Paper Rough Draft or Outline Draft and any last minute research that needs to be completed. May also begin work on visual and oral presentations.
Benchmark Testing

Homework: Continue researching at home or the public library. Finish your typed rough draft outline due tomorrow!

Thursday, April 23
Turn in Typed Draft of Outline
Media Center Front Tables: 8th period think about adjustments that need to be made for final paper work on information for visual and oral presentations.
Benchmark Testing

Homework: Continue working on your research project! Typed Rough Draft of Research Paper is Due 4/29.

Friday, April 24
No School: Institute Day

Homework: Continue working on your research project!

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