Monday, August 31, 2009

Math Syllabus: Week of August 31

1st and 3rd Period Math
Important Information:
o A weekly math syllabus will go home at the beginning of each week throughout the school year. You may also access the syllabus by going to my website listed above.
o All students should have a binder with dividers strictly for math. We organized our binders in class on Friday. If you do not have a binder, you must see me. You need to bring this binder to class EVERYDAY.
o Students will be taking the end of the year course one test so I can be sure they were placed in the proper math level.
o Students will also take a chapter pre-assessment prior to the start of each chapter to determine the level of differentiation they will need. Students who show mastery on the chapter pre-assessments will be provided with alternate enrichment work to enhance and expand their understanding of the mathematical concepts.

Monday, August 31
Course 1 Pre-Test

Homework: Show your parents your Math Syllabus!

Tuesday, September 1
Course 1 Pre-Test

Homework: None

Wednesday, September 2
What Number am I? (Part 1)

Homework: There May Be More Than You Think handout! (This is a brain teaser worksheet; you should try to solve each problem but do not spend too much time on each. You will get credit for completing your homework as long as I see you attempted to solve each problem)

Thursday: September 3
Chapter 1 Vocabulary Notes

Homework: None

Friday, September 4
Finish Chapter 1 Vocabulary Notes
Chapter 1 Pre-Test

Homework: Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

2nd Period Pre-Algebra
Important Information:
o A weekly math syllabus will go home at the beginning of each week throughout the school year. You may also access the syllabus by going to my website listed above.
o All students should have a binder with dividers strictly for math. We organized our binders in class on Friday. If you do not have a binder, you must see me. You need to bring this binder to class EVERYDAY.
o Students will be taking the end of the year course two test so I can be sure they were placed in the proper math level.
o Students will also take a chapter pre-assessment prior to the start of each chapter to determine the level of differentiation they will need. Students who show mastery on the chapter pre-assessments will be provided with alternate enrichment work to enhance and expand their understanding of the mathematical concepts.

Monday, September 1
Course 2 Pre-Test

Homework: Show your parents your Math Syllabus!

Tuesday, September 2
Course 2 Pre-Test

Homework: None

Wednesday, September 3
Name the Numbers

Homework: What Number Am I (Part 2)

Thursday: September 4
Chapter 1 Pre-Test

Homework: None

Friday, September 5
Lesson 1.2

Homework: Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

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