Thursday, November 5, 2009

Syllabi: Week of November 9

Ms. Koplin
Math Syllabus 1st and 3rd Period
Week of November 9, 2009

Monday, November 9
Math Games

Homework: None

Tuesday, November 10
Chapter 4 Vocabulary Notes

Homework: Chapter 4 Crossword Puzzle

Wednesday, November 11
Lesson 4.1

Homework: Workbook Page 43 odd numbers and Page 44 all

Thursday, November 12
Lesson 4.2

Homework: Tomorrow is Julian SPIRIT Day! Wear Red AND White or Julian Clothing.

Friday, November 13
Workbook Pages 46-46

Homework: Have a WONDERFUL Weekend!!!

Ms. Koplin
Pre-Algebra Syllabus 2nd Period
Week of November 9, 2009

Important Information:
• Students will have the opportunity to do more challenging homework for a variety of lessons over the course of chapter four. Their level of understanding for the particular lesson will determine the homework students complete.
• We are beginning My Special Number Project this week. Students will have some in class time to complete this project, but the majority of the project will be done at home. The project is due on Tues., November 24.

Monday, November 9
Divisibility Rules
Workbook Pages 43-44
Differentiated Option: Page 44 and Challenge 4.2

Homework: Finish Workbook Pages 43-44 or Differentiated Option: Page 44 and Challenge 4.2

Tuesday, November 10
Lesson 4.3 Study Guide
Workbook Pages 45-46

Homework: Finish Workbook Pages 45-46

Wednesday, November 11
Lesson 4.4

Homework: None

Thursday, November 12
4.4 Exploration: Cicada Cycles

Homework: Workbook Page 47 odd #s or Challenge 4.4. Tomorrow is Julian SPIRIT Day! Wear Red AND White or Julian Clothing.

Friday, November 13 (Spirit Day)
Introduce My Special Number (due 11/24)
Select Number and Start Planning

Homework: Have a WONDERFUL Weekend!!!

Ms. Koplin
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of November 9, 2009

Important Information:
• Your third reading log is due on Tuesday, December 1.
• Last week all students took a pre-test on pronouns. The students who showed mastery of these more basic pronouns will work on advanced pronoun use and will complete a pronoun challenge packet that is due on Monday, November 16th. They will then take a test over these concepts on Tuesday, November 17th.
• Students take a test on Language Network Lessons 3.1 to 3.4 on Tues., November 17th.

Monday, November 9
Introduce Vocabra Words: List 6
Review Socratic Seminars
Grammar Lesson 3.3

Homework: Review Vocabra Words

Tuesday, November 10
Read Singapore Whipping
Read Singapore Whipping AGAIN and Mark Accordingly
Grammar 3.3 Handout Pg 50
Vocabra: Write a conversation between two people about Buried Treasure (You must use all 12 words and underline them).

Homework: Finish writing your conversation. Read your Socratic Seminar Article AGAIN! Also, write TWO high level questions about the Socratic Seminar article- these questions should not be able to be answered with a yes or no. They need to require more thought!

Wednesday, November 11
Grammar: Lesson 3.4
Hold Socratic Seminar: Singapore Whipping

Homework: Grammar Handout pg 53

Thursday, November 12
Begin Greek Myth Unit
Greek Myth Pretest
Introduce Myths and Element Chart
Read Olden Times and Gaea
Chart Gaea
Vocabra Word Story: Topic is Turkeys

Homework: Finish Vocabra Word Story about Turkeys. Tomorrow is Julian SPIRIT Day! Wear Red AND White or Julian Clothing.

Friday, November 13
Grammar Handout 3.4
Myth Vocab Notes: Titans, Cronus, Zeus & His Family
Read and Chart Titans and Cronus
Share Vocabra Turkey Stories

Homework: Have a SUPER WEEKEND! Study for your grammar test coming up on Tuesday 11/17. Grammar Differentiation: Your grammar packet is due on Monday!

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