Friday, September 25, 2009

Math Syllabus: Week of September 28

1st and 3rd Period Math
Important Information:
• Students are beginning a scale drawing project this week. On Wednesday they will receive; a parent letter, project expectations, a rubric, measurement sheet, and centimeter graph paper. The students will need to work on this project at home and they will need adult help to complete the measurements. The draft of the project with all measurements is due on Tuesday October 6. The FINAL draft is due on Wednesday, October 14. Please be sure to see the rubric for all expectations for the final project!
• Today I returned Chapter 1 Tests and students can make corrections to any problems that were incorrect on the Chapter 1 Test. You have the opportunity to earn a half credit for each correct answer. You must show your work and have the correct answer circled to earn credit (leave the numbers blank of questions that were correct on your original test). You must staple your test to the back of this test correction form. Test Corrections are due on Friday, October 2.

Monday, September 28
Pass Out Workbooks
Return Chapter 1 Test with Test Corrections Form
Finish Chapter 2 Vocabulary Notes

Homework: None

Tuesday, September 29
Lesson 2.3

Homework: Workbook Page 19 (You need a ruler to complete this)

Wednesday, September 30
Introduce Scale Drawing Project

Homework: Show your Parents: the letter, rubric, and expectations for The Scale Drawing Project. Start measuring your bedroom!!! The first draft with measurements is due on Tuesday, October 6.

Thursday, October 1
Lesson 2.4

Homework: Workbook Page 21 # 5-7 and Page 22 #12-15. Wear Julian Gear or Red AND White Tomorrow!!!

Lesson 2.5

Homework: Have a WONDERFUL weekend! Work on your bedroom measurements! The draft with measurements is due on Tuesday, October 6.

2nd Period Pre-Algebra
Important Information:
• All students will take the Chapter 2 Test on Tuesday, November 6. The review session will be at lunch on Monday, November 5.

Monday, September 28
Pass Out Workbooks
Review Lessons 2.1-2.4
Text Book: Practice Quiz Page 76 # 1-15
Text Book: Mixed Review Page 77 all

Homework: None

Tuesday, September 29
Lesson 2.5

Homework: Workbook Page 23-24

Wednesday, September 30
Lesson 2.6

Homework: Workbook pages 25-26 (You need a ruler to complete the HW)

Thursday, October 1
Lesson 2.7

Homework: Workbook pages 27-28. Wear Julian Gear or Red AND White Tomorrow!!!

Chapter 2 Cumulative Review #s 24-55

Homework: Have a WONDERFUL weekend! STUDY for your Chapter 2 Test on Tuesday!!!

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