Friday, September 11, 2009

Reading/LA Syllabus: Week of September 14

Important Information:
• The typed final copy of Vital Statistics is due on Monday, September 14.
• Your first Reading Log it is due on Tuesday, September 29. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Don’t forget about Team 6-3 Homework Club! Homework club is held from 3:30 to 4:30 with Mrs. Alexander on Tuesdays, with Ms. Koplin on Wednesdays, and with Mr. Morrell on Thursdays.
• The second Vocabra Spelling and Vocabulary Test is Friday, September 25.
• Students will have a Seedfolks comprehension test on Wednesday, September 16. Be sure to study a little bit each night!
• Students will begin a Seedfolks Writing Assignment this week. The typed first draft is due on Tuesday, September 22. Students will peer edit in class that day then the make the peer suggested edits- the second typed draft is due on Thursday, September 24. I will edit the papers and return them on Tuesday, September 29th. The students must make teacher suggested corrections and turn in their FINAL draft on Friday, October 2.
• Mark your calendars! Curriculum Night is Thursday, September 17, at 6:45 P.M. and Picture Day is Tuesday, September 24 (information will be sent home soon). Also, our Julian Back to School Picnic is on Friday, September 25.

Monday, September 14
Final Draft of Vital Statistics due TODAY
Introduce Vocabra List #2
Seedfolks Wrap Up Activity
Grammar: Chapter 1 Lesson 1

Homework: Seedfolks Review Sheet: Character Matching

Tuesday, September 15
Introduce Seedfolks Writing Assignment (1st draft due 9/22)
Complete Seedfolks Pre-Writing
Grammar: Chapter 1 Lesson 2
Review for Seedfolks Test

Homework: Study for Seedfolks Test- TOMORROW!

Wednesday, September 16
Seedfolks Test
Vocabra Word Story: Topic is Ice Cream
Literary Concept Notes

Homework: Work on Seedfolks Writing Assignment. Finish your Vocabra Word Story (remember you must underline Vocabra Words and use correct spelling).

Thursday: September 17
Media Center 8th Period: Check Out and/or Return Books
Read your Please Book and Work on Reading Log

Homework: Draw your assigned vocabulary word without using the actual word in your drawing. On the back you should write a good sentence for the word. NO PENCIL!!!

Friday, September 18
Review Vocabra Word Drawings
Song/Movie Titles with Vocabra Words
Grammar: Chapter 1 Lesson 3

Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

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