Monday, October 19, 2009

Language Arts Syllabus 8th Period: Week of October 19

Important Information:
• Your second reading log is due on Thursday, October 29.
• We are working on Chapter 2: Nouns in our Grammar Book this week. Students will have a test on Chapter 2 Nouns on Tuesday, October 27th. Students who showed mastery of nouns are working on differentiated project, which will be due on Tuesday, October 27th; these students do not need to take the noun test.
• Conferences are on THURSDAY! If you need to change your time for any reason please call or email!
• It is not too late to sign up for The Young Authors Conference, which will be held at Lincoln school on Saturday, October 24. This is a free event that will have over 30 published authors, illustrators, journalists, and cartoonists coming to work with our students! See me to sign up.

Monday, October 19
Grammar: Lesson 2.3
Vocabra: Draw the Meaning of the Word Using the Word Itself

Homework: None

Tuesday, October 20
Grammar: Lesson 2.4
Vocabra Sentence Review with Whiteboards

Homework: Grammar Handout- Nouns and Their Jobs page 40

Wednesday, October 21
Review Grammar Lesson 2.4: Complete Handout page 42
Spelling Review Game

Homework: Make sure your parent/guardian knows when your conference is tomorrow! Study for your Vocabra Spelling and Vocabulary Tests on Friday! We have some sneaky tricky words this week!

Thursday October 22 (1/2 Day)
No Reading: Conferences TODAY

Homework: STUDY for your Vocabra Spelling and Vocabulary Tests! Tomorrow is PJ Day and our Read-A-Thon! Be sure to bring in a good book or two to read while relaxing in your PJ’s! You can also bring a healthy snack and one comfort item (pillow, blanket, stuffed animal).

Friday, October 23 (1/2 Day)
Vocabra Spelling and Vocabulary Tests

Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!

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