Friday, February 13, 2009

Reading/LA Syllabus: Week of February 16

Important Information:
• Author Study upcoming due dates: finish reading first novel by Wednesday, February 18 and finish first plotline summary by Friday, February 20.
• The Author Study Timeline is due February 27. Students will get more information on the timeline requirements this week.
• We are introducing the Narrative Essay writing assignment on Thursday February 19, the typed final draft is due on Thursday February 26. Please make sure to have a parent, family member, or sibling read over your paper before you turn it in.

Monday, February 16
No School President’s Day

Homework: Work on Reading your first Author Study novel and your plotline summary.

Tuesday, February 17
Diagramming Sentences Worksheets: Basic Sentence Parts, Articles and Verb Phrases, and Simple Sentences pages 4-7
Dictionary Scavenger Hunt
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Finish your first author study book by tomorrow and work on your plotline summary

Wednesday, February 18
Diagramming Sentences Worksheets: Adjectives and Adverbs pages 8-11
Elements of a Narrative essay
Introduce Author Study Timeline

Homework: Work on author study project, reading and gathering information about your author for the timeline

Thursday, February 19
Introduce Narrative Writing prompts
Diagramming Sentences Worksheets: Review Sentence Basics pages 12 and 13
COWS: Research Author for Timeline

Homework: Work on author study project reading and Timeline. Work on Narrative Essay due on Thursday February 26.

Friday, February 20
Diagramming Sentences: Compound Subjects and Predicates exercise 1 and 2 pages 14-17
Literary Devices
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Have a nice weekend. Work on Reading your second Author Study novel and your Narrative essay rough draft.

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