Thursday, February 19, 2009

Math Syllabus: Week of February 23

1st Period: Pre-Algebra
Monday, February 23
Lessons 10.1-10.2

Homework: Workbook pages 128 and 130

Tuesday, February 24
Lessons 10.3 and 10.4

Homework: Workbook pages 131 and 133

Wednesday, February 25
Lesson 10.5

Homework: None

Thursday, February 26
ISAT Practice Test

Homework: Word Problem: Ski Run

Friday, February 27
Review ISAT Practice Test

Homework: Have a super three-day weekend!!! Remember that ISAT testing begins on Tuesday. Be sure to get a GOOD night sleep and eat a nutritious breakfast that morning. You can bring in a healthy snack and water bottle each day next week!

2nd/3rd Period Math

Important Information:
• Students will have a quick quiz over lessons 9.4 to 9.8 on Friday, February 27. Remember to study each night!!!

Monday, February 23
Review Practice ISAT Test

Homework: None

Tuesday, February 24
Lesson 9.6

Homework: Workbook page 125 (all) and page 126 #15-16

Wednesday, February 25
Lesson 9.7

Homework: Workbook pages 127-128

Thursday, February 26
Lesson 9.8

Homework: Workbook pages 129-130. STUDY!!! STUDY!!! STUDY!!!

Friday, February 27
Quiz: Lessons 9.4-9.9

Homework: Have a super three-day weekend!!! Remember that ISAT testing begins on Tuesday. Be sure to get a GOOD night sleep and eat a nutritious breakfast that morning. You can bring in a healthy snack and water bottle each day next week!

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