Thursday, February 5, 2009

Rdg/LA Syllabus: Week of February 9

Important Information:
• Remember that Springs Conferences are on Thursday, February 12. Conference confirmation times were sent home on Friday, January 23. If you need to change your time please contact me ASAP.
• Reading logs are due on Wednesday, February 11.
• The final typed draft of the persuasive essay will be due on Tuesday, February 10.
• Author Study upcoming due dates: finish reading first novel by Wednesday, February 18 and finish first plotline summary by Friday, February 20.

Monday, February 9
Media Center Computers: Interactive ISAT Practice Tests

Homework: Finish final draft of the persuasive essay- due tomorrow. Remember you must turn in the first draft and the peer-editing sheet with your essay.

Tuesday, February 10
Turn in Final Persuasive Essay
Complete Subjects and Predicates: L/Network pages 6-7
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Finish reading log- due tomorrow! Remember you must have parent signatures. Read novel for author study.

Wednesday, February 11
Introduce Author Study Plot Line Summary
Simple Subjects: L/Network pages 8-9 Part A
Simple Predicates, or Verbs: L/Network pages 10-11 Part A
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Work on author study project reading and plotline summary.

Thursday, February 12 (CONFERENCE DAY!) Noon Dismissal
No Reading/LA Today

Homework: Work on author study project reading and plotline summary. Be sure to have your books and pj’s for tomorrow. You may also bring in a snack and one comfort item if you wish.

Friday, February 13 (PJ DAY!!!) Noon Dismissal
Read-A-Thon and Pajama Day

Homework: Have a nice weekend. Work on Reading your first Author Study novel and your plotline summary.

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