Friday, February 20, 2009

Reading/LA Syllabus: Week of February 23

Important Information:
• Narrative essays are due Thursday February 26. They must be typed final draft is due on Thursday February 26. Please make sure to have a parent, family member, or sibling read over your paper before you turn it in. You need to attach your pre-writing sheet.
• The Author Study Timeline due date has been changed to Tuesday, March 3rd.
• Author Study upcoming due dates:
o Finish reading second novel by Monday, March 9
o Plot-Line summary and differentiation essays are due Tuesday, March 10th.
o Time-line presentations begin Tuesday, March 10th.
• Please send permission slip and money for our end of year cruise by April 17th.
• Don’t forget ISAT Testing next week, Tuesday-Friday, March 3–6th. Please encourage your child to get a good night’s rest. Students may bring a bottle of water and a healthy snack.
• Monday, March 2nd is no school due to Pulaski Day. Students will not receive a syllabus next week, due to testing.

Monday, February 23
Writing Workshop - Elaboration
Discuss Sample Narrative Essay Models
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Work on Narrative Essay- due Thursday

Tuesday, February 24
Media Center Computers 8th Period: Type Narrative Essay or Work on Biography Time-line
ISAT Test Practice – Writing Reading Extended Response

Homework: Work on Narrative Essay- due Thursday. Even though I am not checking your first draft you still need to complete at least two drafts of the essay. Please have a family member help you edit.

Wednesday, February 25
ISAT Test Practice- Review and Evaluate Reading Extended Response
Media Center Computers 9th Period: Type Narrative Essay or Work on Biography Time-line

Homework: Work on Narrative Essay- due TOMORROW! You need to attach your pre-write to your final narrative essay.

Thursday, February 26
ISAT Test Practice – Literary Devices for Reading and Poetry
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Work on Time-Line, due Tuesday, March 3rd

Friday, February 27
ISAT Test Practice – Vocabulary and Author’s Purpose
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Finish Time-Line, due Tuesday, March 3. Come to school on Tuesday ready for the ISATs!

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